My mother hates the language in the SuperFogeys. This bleeped out stuff isn’t for her. Can’t imagine what she’d say if I didn’t censor.
Personally, I can’t stand foul language. I think I’ve said the “F” word twice in my life. Once out of anger and another time by accident. Both times, it ruined my day. I just don’t think profanity is ever really warranted. Not at all.
However…I’m writing characters here and in my little corner of the world, it’s the older people who tend to be looser with their language. So Swifty is a particular type of old guy. A lot of people say “he’s just like my grandpa,” which tells me I’m not too far off.
Star Maiden is standing in for me here. I don’t like the way Swifty talks, even though he’s kind of funny.
As for that last panel…that’s another little subplot that will picked up and dealt with as we go forward…but something’s coming that will put all subplots on hold.