Hey everyone, I want to take away from today’s strip (I count at least two revelations! One I’m pretty sure some of you saw coming, and one I don’t think anyone did), but I wanted to let you know about a little situation here at SuperFogeys Central. Unfortunately, in a double whammy, my wife and [...]
Posts Tagged ‘oval office’
3 items.
This isn’t any kind of secret, but at the same time I’m not sure anyone has noticed that Swifty is the one character who has not changed one bit since Chapter 1. There’s no arc for him, no softening of his hard edges. Swifty is Swifty. Does that mean he can NEVER change? No, but [...]
└ Tags: alt ms. missile, alt spy gal, earth-avalon, general will, oval office, president reed, star matron, swifty
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Swifty. Nothing if not consistent. If you missed it–and because it’s such a big deal it deserves repeating–Marc’s art was recently used by Marvel without his persmission for their 75th Anniversary television special. All of his friends jumped on this and took to social media and the result was quite surprising. You can read all [...]
└ Tags: alt dr. rocket, alt ms. missile, alt spy gal, alt swifty, earth-avalon, hate, oval office, president reed, star matron, swifty, white house
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