LOOK AT THIS BEAST! Marc throws down and we all get to benefit. In the collected edition, this will be a full page spread, and I can’t wait to see it in that context. The scope of it all!
In storytelling parlance (that I am making up right now), this is our big zoom out before zooming way back in for a more intimate wrap-up on all our various battles.
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See you on Tuesday with 889 – So Much Love to Share!
This one will look even better when printed!
No doubt! Can’t wait.
Now to find Waldo
Haha. He’s over there. Just there…you see him?
Normally when baddies blow up Earth you get a montage of all the of Earth’s monuments getting destroyed. But in Las Vegas all the monuments are in the same spot. Allowing for a great shot.
An excellent point. And, uh, TOTALLY why we set the battle there.
At the risk of stating the obvious, siblings, do yourself a favor and right-click the picture then open it directly so you can view it in full size. You don’t really get much more to find out who is where, but the view is beautiful.
(And I can’t remember if those pig-shaped cars have played a role, will play one, are a Vegas staple or are just here to look keen, but it’s nice to see them whatever the underlying reason, if there is one at all.)
Thanks for the enlarging tip. I hope everyone does “embiggen” it. This episode deserves it.
As for the pig cars…I think they are Space Pig ships that have crashed. But you’d have to ask Marc!