I’ve been putting the call out this past week for your picks for the best SuperFogeys strips. Marc and I are trying to craft an ashcan comic to hand out at conventions to give newbies a good idea of what SF is all about. My thought right now is to pick a selection of funny and and a selection of more serious strips and one complete SF: Origins tale. Should make for a nice little book.

The problem is that SuperFogeys is serialized. Not all strips out of their original context. So, that’s your criteria. If you’d like to help out, pick one funny  and one serious strip and make sure that each can stand reasonably well on their own. I’d also love to hear your suggestions for which is the very best SF: Origins tale. Helpful Tip: Try using the archive pull-down below the strips on the home page to jump to a scroll of each chapter individually–that way you can look at a whole chapter at once!

To make this more fun, I’m gonna post the ones that make the cut below. In that way, this post will become a nice primer for anyone who wants to check out SF online as well. I’ve already gotten some suggestions from Twitter, so we’ll start with those. Enjoy!




Please share your suggestions in the comments below. If I feel like they meet the criteria, I’ll add them to this post!