My buddy Scott King runs an excellent webcomic by the name of Holiday Wars (along with two-time SuperFogeys Origins artist Michael Odom!) and he has something REALLY special lined up for the next three weeks that I thought you guys just had to know about. Here’s Scott:


To celebrate the launch of “Holiday Wars” Book 2 we are doing a massive three week contest where we will be giving away some awesome daily prizes; including a Kindle, and a Nook Simple Touch.

“Our readers have stuck around for almost two years now and we thought this was a nice way we could give back to them,” Holiday Wars writer and creator Scott King said. “Sure we are doing traditional prizes like gift cards and ebook readers, but I’m particularly excited about giving away copies of Scrivener and Manga Studio since HOLIDAY WARS was partially created in both programs.”

A full schedule and list of prizes can be found here:

In addition to the giveaway contest, we are also launching a new website and a Kickstarter to fund the printing of Book 1 of “Holiday Wars.”

“Holiday Wars” is an ongoing webcomic about a teenage girl named Tegan Cassidy who discovers that the personification of holidays are real. The story takes place in our world and features well known holidays like Santa, The Easter Bunny, and April Fools as well as smaller observances like Ask A Stupid Question Day and Black Friday. The comic is free to read at

About Scott King:
Scott King was born in Washington D.C. and raised in Ocean City, Maryland. He received his undergraduate degree in film from Towson University, and his M.F.A. in film from American University. “DAD! A Documentary Graphic Novel,” King’s first book was published in Fall ’09. He is also the creator and writer of “Holiday Wars.” In addition to his work in comics, King is also a part-time faculty member at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.