Big thanks to Michael Odom and Will Terrell for carrying this story across the finish line in fine style. Between Michael’s detailed pencils and inks and Will’s stunning colors, they did right by this little tale of Swifty’s cold, silent heart.
Wanna read it all from the beginning? Start here.
Be sure to check out the great webcomic Holiday Wars for more of Michael’s art and, hey, Will is no slouch at penciling and inking himself, as he proves over and over again on the fantastic Superzeroes. Click now!
Written by my buddy and SuperFan Scott King, Holiday Wars imagines that all holidays, both big and small, are real, physical beings. Things go bad fast when the Easter Bunny kills Santa Claus and war breaks out. Caught in the middle? A teenage girl.
And I did mention two-time SuperFogeys Origins artist Michael Odom draws it, right? I did? Good.
Right now, Scott and Michael are prepping Holiday Wars Vol. 1 for publication and have started a Kickstarter project to support it. What’s Kickstarter? Basically, creative endeavors cost money. Those who want to support them can donate through Kickstarter and if the goal is not met in the allotted time then the project doesn’t happen. And all the money is returned.
The best part (besides seeing the project completed) is the incentives you get for donating. Scott has set it up so you’ll get everything from a copy of the book to sketch cards to a guest starring role in Vol. 2, depending on how much you donate.
This is all explained much better on the Holiday Wars Kickstarter page, which you can check out right here.
Next week sees the debut of a long awaited origin sequel that many of you have been asking and asking about. Harvey the Science Rabbit, Part 2. With art by Chip Skelton. Be there.