Recently updated: The “STORY” page with new summaries for SF Chapter 6 and SuperFogeys Origins. Also now including links!
Also updated: The “CHARACTERS” page with new info on many characters and new ones added in from SuperFogeys Origins. Worth a read!
Over the weekend, Th3rd World made the trek over to Philadelphia for the Wizard World Comic-Con. Sadly, I could not be there, but I’m told a great time was had by all. T.L. Collins, artist on SuperFogeys Origins was there, and, as usual, was sketching up a storm. Check out some of this great stuff:
Whoa, is that SuperFogeys Book 4 I see? Tangerine fans, look for a lot more of him after the current SuperFogeys Origins story conlcudes.
And thus Th3rd World Publisher Mike DeVito’s question to get Soviet Sam into Valhalla continues. This time, he’s infected T.L., who gives his version of what Sam might look like today.
This is cool. This is a collaboration between Mike DeVito and TL on a little Swifty toy that seems to be what Swifty might look like today if he were to wear his old outfit. (Colors aren’t quite right, but we’ll forgive them for that.) Nice work, guys!
Friday and Saturday I attended the Philadelphia comic-con with the guys from Th3rdworld studios and Shocker Toys. Despite the show being a tad smaller (DC and Marvel went to Hero-Con in Carolina) than usual we still had some good traffic, especially on a rainy Saturday.
I drove down from Syracuse with the world famous comic book writer, and Th3rdworld tent pole, Mike Raicht. Anyone who follows my Twitter feed knows how difficult that can be at times (an Ipod with Asia, and the Kiss disco album?! Really?!). We met up with the CEO of Th3rd World, Mike Devito, in Philly and set up early on Friday. We shared booth space with the guys from Shocker Toys who are a lot of fun to hang with.
I had the print version of Bullfinch on hand, as well as the offerings from Th3rdworld, especially the newest volume of Superfogeys featuring the (now fake) death of Doctor Rocket. Most of my days were spent doing sketches and selling people on our various offerings, like The Stuff of Legend which is available next month from Raicht and the fantastic artist Charles Paul Wilson III who was with us on Saturday, as well as his actual pages from the book. His pencils are some of the most fantastic I’ve seen in person and his full color covers up close are unbelievable!
Friday night after the con was filled with the usual odd moments. A 40 of Coors light, Lou Ferrigno, random stealth bottle attack shattering on the lobby floor, Settlers of Catan, Orioles vs. the Phillies, a band called Saga; you know the usual crap.
Us at the convention! Charles Wilson, Mike Raicht, Keith Dallas, Mike Devito, and TL.
See you Thursday with SuperFogeys 213!
FREE! Download SF Ch. 1, “Insane Romance From Hell” on Your iPhone/iTouch Here
Order your copy of SuperFogey Collection #4, ARTIST Edition here!
Order your copy of SuperFogey Collection #4, REGULAR Edition here!