TALL TALE FEATURES- A webcomic collective of which I am a founding member. Mostly inactive now, but you’ll find some great work here and the Tall Tale Radio podcast hosted by the amazing Tom Racine–which is very much still active.
GEEK PAPAS – Run by Tom Racine and Justin Thompson, this site looks at the geek world from the perspective of dads who have kids, aka upcoming geeks.
GEEK TYRANT – This is THE geek movies news site you’re looking for. Updates constantly throughout the day, always with the latest stuff.
COMICS ALLIANCE – This is THE comic news site you’re looking for. Updates constantly throughout the day, with super cool stuff. Not just news, but cool stuff.
DIGITAL STRIPS PODCAST – Awesome webcomics podcast co-hosted by “Swifty and the Prophecy” artist Jason Sigler.
Legend of Bill- Created by Spy Gal Origin character designer David Reddick!