Creator Brock Heasley, the oldest of four brothers, grew up in Fresno, the “road to everywhere/destination of no one” of California. Growing up, he loved to draw and read comics. His first comic was the adaptation of Superman IV: The Quest for Peace in 1987. His ability to judge the value and quality of things has been impaired ever since.

He has been a member of such prestigious organizations as “The Nerd Herd,” “The Last Picked for Teams,” and “They Who Eat Alone.” In High School he was a cartoonist and writer for the school paper for 2 years. Brock also wrote for the local paper, The Fresno Bee, for a year as the “Teen Movie Reviewer.” In 1996, shortly after graduating from High School, Brock spent two years working as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the spanish-speaking peoples of Arizona.

Brock is a graduate of California State University Fresno with a degree in Graphic Design. In 2006 he was a semi-finalist in the first Comic Book Challenge. Also in 2006, he created The SuperFogeys, which he both wrote and drew for the first 300 strips. Now, with artist Marc Lapierre, Brock hopes to raise SuperFogeys to new heights.

In 2007 The SuperFogeys was picked up by Th3rd World Studios, which both hosts the strip and publishes the print collections to this day.

In 2010, Brock, along with artist David Schlotterback and colorist (and Th3rd World Publisher) Michael DeVito, won the February Zuda Comics competition with their comic, Monsterplex. A few months later, DC Comics shut down Zuda. So that happened.

His greatest accomplishment remains convincing his gorgeous wife Erin to marry him in 2000 and producing three beautiful daughters, Elora (the basis and likeness for Dictator Tot) and Campbell (aka Chapter 7′s Cami) and Violet (aka the girl who is now demanding her own character), as evidence.

Brock can be contacted at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com for interviews, questions, life advice and great recipes for toast.


One of the last carriers of the Y chromosome in his family line, Marc Lapierre is the older brother to three sisters and father of two young daughters. In an effort to keep this fragile flickering flame of masculinity alive, Marc has dedicated himself towards only the most manly of pursuits. Sipping fine whiskey, manual labor, beard growing, and cartooning are all among Marc’s macho endeavors.

Chief among these endeavors is cartooning, for nothing says rugged man of action like sitting alone in a corner drawing pictures of talking dogs and flying men in capes. Marc has practiced this many craft in the webcomics realm since 2007 with the debut of the now defunct family friendly stripBoxcar Astronaut. In 2009, Marc granted the internet one of it’s crown jewels in his solo webcomic, Spooky Doofus, which features a motley crew of supernatural creatures and entities. Then in 2011, Marc heeded the call from fellow manly cartoonist, and SuperFogeys creator, Brock Heasley, and joined him in his heroic crusade to save the world one comic strip at a time. As of March 2011, Marc is the new regular artist for the SuperFogeys comic.

Marc can be reached at marc (at) spookydoofus (dot) com and is available for commissions. To see more of Marc’s art, check out his Facebook page or read his solo comic Spooky Doofus.