
Now this is a story all about how
Dad met Mom atop a Space Cow
And you know they fell in love right straight away
The ninja and the anti-hero got married the next day

‘Bout one year later, born on a table
Out I popped, I wasn’t ready or able
Powerless, ridiculous, nonetheless I
Had many visions of grandeur in my mind’s eye

When a couple of brothers soon came right along
One of them mad gifted, the other with song
The world sure did love them, and Mom surely did too
Which is why it didn’t surprise me I got left at the zoo

Well, Dad got upset and Mom revealed her plan
To raise her two favorite sons into one evil man
Tangerine had no choice and he killed his own wife
Saving the whole world before she filled it with strife

Now as for me I’m disregarded by them all
Lost because of Swifty, back into time did I fall
So here I sit now, on this cold and tall chair
In the 1950’s where I am no square!

I think it’s fair to say that Mega Matt’s origin was a bit divisive. This makes me sad because I know many of you were really looking forward to this particular origin and I hate to disappoint. But SuperFogeys Origins has always been my playground in which I try new storytelling techniques and exhibit art styles from many different artists around the web. There’s no way every story can please everyone.

With Mega Matt’s story I wanted to do something that felt unique to him because so much of what surrounds him feels very much not of him. The murderous father and mother. The uber-successful brothers. The superpowered family in general. When I hit on the idea of checking in on him in the 1950s, it only made sense to me that he would find a home with the beatniks. But Matt is not an innovator. He’s a super fan. So he does his version of a poetry slam by cribbing from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” I mean, of course.

Of course, you sacrifice certain things when you change the storytelling up so much on such a short story. Character development? There really isn’t any. Well, I do think you understand Matt better by the end of it, but everyone else is given only a cursory glance. In the end, I feel like it was a fair trade for what we got. Many of you disagreed. That’s okay. Disagreement is part of the fun.

In any case, I think it’s fun to read the whole rap all together. Each stanza represents a page. If you haven’t read this in comic form yet, what are you waiting for? Get readin’ and decide if it works for yourself!